In a collaborative venture with the major Central Auckland art institutions, this Eden Arts initiative presents the very best student works from each of Elam, Unitec, AUT and Whitecliffe in a single exhibition

Installation view, Wall as Place, 2019.
Wall as Place, 2019.
Isolated as a fragment, this section of a wall becomes a rocky outcrop, an aggregated ecosystem oscillating between parts and whole. Wall as Place references Carl Andre’s ideas of ‘sculpture as place,’ where sculpture can be considered the result of placement while simultaneously place-generating. In this work the standardised material units of minimalism become personalised, illustrative, and punctuated with decorative ceramic charms, fixed like lovers’ locks to a fence.

Detail: Wall as Place, 2019.

Wall as Place, 2019. Acrylic, pastel, oil pastel, oil stick, ceramic charms, string, wire, nails, wax, paper on concrete blocks. / Oasis, 2019. Oil and pencil on canvas.

Detail: Wall as Place, 2019.
The wall’s patchwork imagery illustrates scenes of alternate worlds, created with the imaginative processes of mind wandering. The unfixed blocks imbue the imagery with an awareness of its own construction, and the potential for it to be otherwise. This assemblage of marks, imagery and object contains notions of worldbuilding, where agency lies in the infinite possibilities of action.

Detail: Medium Mind Wandering Vessel as part of Wall as Place, 2019.